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Neerlands Wijnhuis is for a long time allready certificated as ‘KVNW Register Wijnhandelaar’. The certification ‘KVNW Register Wijnhandelaar’ (KVNW Registry Wine Merchant) means that the wine merchant complies with certain specified qualitative requirements relating to the business, such as quality of purchased and delivered wines, transport, environment, purchasing and food safety. This is stated in the license conditions that the KVNW agrees with each Registerd Wine Merchant. The conditions are primarily based on international standards such as HACCP, BRC, IFS and ISO 9001/22000. In addition there are conditions added in the area of CSR. An absolute condition for obtaining the title "KVNW Register Wijnhandelaar" is that an external accredited inspection agency issues an declaration of compliance.

In the past it was probably enough to be known for your good name and reputation. Doing business was a question of trust and the quality of the product and service offered went without saying. This is still the case, but times change and so does the wine business.

There is a global market of buyers and suppliers; the number of wine consumers has grown enormously and the legal requirements to which products are subjected have multiplied. What is required is an objective guarantee of quality and assurance, the guarantee of a certificate. The reliability of the wine importer and the quality of the wines he offers has to be assured.

This is why the KVNW (The Royal Association of Dutch Wine Merchants) has introduced a new certificate for members whereby wine importers who meet the strict demands can qualify for the title of “KVNW Register Wine Merchant”.

This represents an objective guarantee of the quality of the business and the wines on offer, an extra reassurance for customers, consumers, suppliers and the authorities.

The KVNW has registered the name and logo of “KVNW Register Wine Merchant” with the Benelux-Merkenbureau (Benelux Bureau of Brand Names). The KVNW is, thus, the owner of this title and the only organisation with the right to permit use of the name and logo. This is done via a licence agreement with individual members.

Initially the agreement is valid for two calendar years. Before it can be renewed the wine importer must undergo a new inspection from an accredited bureau. This is to ensure that the title “KVNW Register Wine Merchant” continues to remain a valid guarantee.

In order to get the KVNW licence the company must demonstrate that it satisfies the demands set by the KVNW for business management and for the quality of the wines. Proof can only be provided via a statement from an accredited inspection bureau. This statement is more than just a guarantee for the KVNW.

It is also:

  • reassurance for the company itself
  • reassurance for customers and suppliers
  • reassurance for the consumer
  • reassurance for the controlling authorities

Approval from an accredited inspection bureau represents an objective guarantee.

The result is that the wine merchant can be sure that he has a well run business. His customers and suppliers will know that, too. When everything is well run well, few problems occur. Satisfying these conditions has a preventative function. However, if something unexpectedly does go wrong, then there is the certainly that an appropriate response can be made.

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